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Social Media: What's Trending?

Social media trends come and go as quickly as Pumpkin Spice Latte’s. This year, researchers and marketers are calling Facebook a fading trend, and other social media platforms are ready to fill the empty space. Teens are turning to other platforms such as Snapchat, and marketers are hopping on the Snap train. Pinterest is also on the rise, becoming an integral part of businesses, especially retailers and luxury goods. This platform has a loyal user base, and is next to Facebook in terms of a leading social media traffic source.

No wallet? No problem. As long as you have your phone, you’re good to go. Apps like Apple Pay and PayPal allow you to pay entirely by phone. Have you ever seen something you like on Twitter? Twitter are beta-testing buying products using a simple hashtag. What about Instagram? Pay With Penny turns your Instagram into an e-commerce site. It’s a similar buying system Twitter- if you like what you see, hashtag for purchase.

Who knows how long these trends will last, but one thing is for sure: life is moving in a social media direction.

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