5 Questions to Ask Yourself Moving Forward in 2016

The start of a new year can be very stressful for many companies. New projects are afoot with high expectations and unique approaches. As we close the first month of a new year, it’s important to take a look at the current status of your company and ask yourself these 5 questions to aid you in success moving forward. · What failures and successes from the previous year can help with this year? · How does your company stack up against the competition? · What are your staffing needs moving forward? · What are the goals for 2016, financially and culturally? · What are the biggest takeaways from 2015 that can help with success in 2016? Reviewing the previous year, particularly after completing a month of a new year, allows you and your coworkers a clear idea of the goals and future accomplishments as you continue to take on 2016. Because There is always something that we wish we did better or we just “nailed”. Looking back and reviewing the past month and beyond can help us learn what steps we can take to improve. Take some time at the end of January to review this past year, and be honest with yourself and your team. Here’s to a new year and a new game plan!