5 Things Businesses Should Never Do On Social Media
In today’s culture, social media can make or break the success of your brand. Everyone utilizes social media sites such as Twitter Instagram and Facebook. It’s important to be strategic of the message you are sending; it could be the wrong one! Often when brands make social media mistakes, it can be difficult to recover from them. Below are the things to be aware of when engaging with your audience on social media.

1) Posting Things that are not on Brand.
When posting content online you want to ensure that your company’s brand message is clear. You don’t want to cloud your audience with post that is not correlated to your purpose. Post content that is on brand and will incite interest with your audience.
2) Be nonresponsive.
Your audience wants to be heard! Always respond to comments or replies in a timely manner. This keeps an open dialogue between you and your audience. When you keep your platforms updated, it shows the followers that you are engaged, and not a ghost. Often your audience will reach out on social media with a complaint or issue. When you are responsive it lets others know that you care about their experience with your brand.
3) Offensive/ Controversial Content.
Always keep a positive tone to all your writing. Stray away from posting content that is political, gossip or says anything negative about anyone or anything. This keeps your brand in a positive light and out of drama.
4) Oversaturation.
Be mindful of how often you are posting throughout the day. Do no exceed more than 3-5 posts a week.You don’t want to annoy your audience with an oversaturation of their newsfeed. We all have had that one Facebook friend who clogs our newsfeed with uninteresting post. Don’t be that person!
5) It’s not all about self-promotion.
Don’t be afraid to post things other than promotional content. People like to see the human side of a company. Posting things that are related to pop cultural, humorous or memes are a great way to engage.